Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I was here. I am here. I will be there.

I was.
thinking in english is so much easier.

Guys! I just want to tell you BELIEVE. What do you want? What kind of life do you want to have? What do you want to do in your future? And start to do it! Step by step. It can be a long way... hard and exhaustive way but IT IS YOUR LIFE. Your life not that person next to you, not the person who tells you "you can't" "it's to hard for you" "your dream is too big for real life" "be realistic" "you have no money for that". Advice? Stop to talk with such people... because the most important thing in your life are the people around you, but those who are able to understand, positive, supportive! They can be amazing, give you power in your way! They can give you a lot of energy and faith, so much that even yourself can not imagine. So appreciate the positive people around you. appreciate people who want good for you and who support&love you. Stay positive and they show up in your life. With them YOU can do anything you want. Maybe your dream is to have a big family or good collage or travels or your own company or smth else? You can make it. This is the most beautiful part of life. When you know... that YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT. But you need to know - what do you want for real... with ALL YOUR HEART. What is worth your pain, stress or failures. Because THIS thing in YOUR head it have to drive you full of positive energy, teach you not to give up and push you more and more to get what you want. You need to find YOUR OWN ONE WAY TO BE HAPPY.

and my is still during... my1way2

Wish all of YOU a lot of happiness, kindness and positive vibe!


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